söndag 23 augusti 2015

En parentes?

jag stötte på namnet Ernest Boyer av en slump. Hans bok Scholarship Reconsidered kom 1990 och har sedan dess, enligt Universitetsläraren (2003), fått ett stort inflytande internationellt på debatten om universitetens och högskolornas roll. Jag vet inte så mycket om just den här debatten eller om Boyer, men fastnade vid ett stycke när jag skummade igenom artikeln:
Today, more than at any time in recent memory, researchers feel the need to move beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries, communicate with colleagues in other fields, and discover patterns that connect. Anthropologist Clifford Geeitz, of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, has gone so far as to describe these shifts as a fundamental "refiguration,...a phenomenon general enough and distinctive enough to suggest that what we are seeing is not just another redrawing of the cultural map—the moving of a few disputed borders, the marking of some more picturesque mountain lakes—but an alteration ofthe principles of mapping. Something is happening," Geertz says, "to the way we think about the way we think.  
Boyer, E. (2004). Chapter 2: Enlarging the perspective. Physical Therapy, 84(6), 571.
Och nej, det heter inte scholorship som Universitetsläraren skriver. Det heter scholarship.

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