Writing: A Method of Inquiry | Another String to Our Bow: Participant Writing as Research Method | Art, Equality and Learning: Pedagogies Against the State | Autoethnography | A/r/tography - reSearch | Brocading the world: A poetic inquiry | The visual as a thinking tool: developing students’ critical thinking skills through images | A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Brian Massumi | Literal = bokstavlig | Bokstavlig = inget tolkningsutrymme, oproblematisk, konkret betydelse | fotnoter, innehåll | Evocative, serving to bring to mind = minnesväckande | Kristallisera, metafor för postmodern text | Woman, Native, Other: Writing Postcoloniality and Feminism - Thi Minh-Ha Trinh | When the Moon Waxes Red: Representation, Gender and Cultural Politics: Trinh T. Minh-ha | teorier inom samtidskonsten | Processkonst | Institutionskritik | Criticality in art | An Investigation of The Space Between The Painting and The Photograph: Deconstructing The Process and Reflecting on | From Criticism to Critique to Criticality, Irit Rogoff | Method Meets Art: Arts-based Research Practice - Patricia Leavy | relationell estetik | deltagande konst | Konstnärsnämnden - Färsk historia: en seminarieserie om heta ämnen inom de senaste 20 årens konst (Umeå) | Iaspis - Nya relation-aliteter - ett seminarium om kruxen med relationell och interaktiv konst | Konst, makt och politik : Skriftserien Kairos Nr 12 | Nomadologin : Skriftserien Kairos Nr 4 | Deleuze och mångfaldens veck | Glänta 1.04 Deleuze | Death at the parasite cafe: social science (fictions) and the postmodern - Stephen J. Pfohl | Culture, Power And History: Studies in Critical Sociology | "The end of sociology?", by Irving Louis Horowitz | Posthumans and After | Who Speaks and Who Replies in Human Science Scholarship? Kenneth J. Gergen | In Memoriam to Post-Modernism | Postmodern vertigo | symbolisk interaktionism | Metaphors We Live By | Creative Writing 101|
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